Friday, April 27, 2012

new idea

hi all!
sorry i wasn't online yesterday. had a bunch of things to do. we got a pretty good rain storm. thunder, hail high winds....the whole nine yards. I'm so glad it's over with! today is supposed to be beautiful :) 
i went to one of our local thrift shops yesterday and found this adorable little hutch. double doors, two shelves and my first thought was "this will make an adorable little doll house!" i got it home cleaned it up and went to take a couple of pics of it, and boots decided that He had to be in the picture as well. what is it with these cats and demanding their pics taken? lol

i. wondering if i should put a wall on each shelf to divide it into a total of 4 rooms. it's definitely a half-scale. i've got some furniture, but not enough. darn...looks like i'll have to go to the swapmeet saturday and see what they have :) i really wish they had a hobby lobby up here! closest ones are phoenix and flagstaff.  oh well... such is life i guess :) i can't wait to get this done. i'm hoping it's done before my granddaughter comes up with her mom for their family reunion in june or july. it should be done by then....right?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

more minis :)

hi everyone!
i've uploaded some more pics of some minis that i've either made, or bought and i thought i would share. i got these cabinets at michaels on my last trip to the valley. i'm not sure if i want to paint them bright whimsical colors, antique them or just stain them. (i have a cherry stain, but it sure looks like walnut to me.) maybe i should just do one of each? i'm not sure at this point.

i made these next two goodies from kits. they were really easy (i'd never made anything from a kit before) and i stained them with the cherry stain. i'm tellin looks like walnut to me.

i wanted to take a pic of this adorable little brass (?) baby crib that i got at a thrift store. Kit decided that he needed to be in the pic as well so as to give a scale reference. never knew that cat was such a ham!

ok, that was interesting... kit's pic went above the paragraph. i didn't know i could just click and drag the photo to where i wanted it :) hmmm.....interesting!

i guess that's enough mischief for right now. i'll see what else happens later on today :)


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

welcome to my nest!

hi everyone, i'm jan (but i like raven better). welcome to my nest, such as it is right now. i love working with miniatures and have always wanted to get involved in them. i had a couple of dollhouses that my mom made for me when i was little. just recently, i stumbled onto them again and remembered how much fun with them. i haven't bought a dollhouse just yet, but i have been making and collecting miniature items to go into them.  i have bought some wooden birdhouses and i've started converting them into fairy houses. yes, i wholeheartedly believe in the little people and i try to be very kind and thoughtful towards them (especially when they take my keys or other items that i need) i'll upload some pics of a couple of the fairy houses in a little bit. right now i want to tackle this blog :) for the fun stuff!.... these first two pics are some goodies that i got for about $3 at our local swapmeet.  i just couldn't resist. the little soldiers are an inch tall and shorter. there's also a bottle of brandy in case the lady of the house gets thirsty (hee hee)

 this third pic is of some cannisters that i made. i saw them on another lady's website with a tutorial on how to make them. i just couldn't resist and had so much fun making them. would you believe they're made from cardboard tampon applicators? (unused of course). i forgot to put the brad in the 3rd cannister, but that's ok for a first attempt! **Quick boo-boo fix**: I need to mention that i got this tutorial from casey. i couldn't remember where i had gotten it and she was kind enough to bring it to my attention. she has a fabulous blog. if  you haven't seen it, go check it's amazing!

 this last pic is one of my favorites. it's a tiny crystal ball, a scroll and candles on a tray. the candles actually glow in the dark (finally found a use for that glow-in-the-dark polymer clay!) i tried to photograph the candles glowing, but i don't know how to turn off the flash on my digital camera :(
i thought i had another pic of some cabinets that i'm going to do, but i guess i'll have to upload them with the rest of my pics :)

 anyway, that's what i have so far!
let me know what you think! huggs, and bye for now!