Tuesday, April 25, 2023

mini tomatoes...yummy!!!

hey all,
This is a post that I wrote a few years ago and somehow it didn't get published. So here it is...

i thought i would get creative and answer a sweet request from my one and only granddaughter. i had made some miniature groceries for her barbies (laundry soap, cake mixes, cookies, cereal etc..) and gave her an adorable hutch from Michaels to keep them in. She loved them!! well..her request was could i please make her some tomatoes and cucumbers for her doll house??  I thought that was a wonderful idea since i had just seen a tutorial video on how to make them from a wonderful lady named joanne. If you haven't checked out her blog...please do so..she's fabulously creative! here's the link to her blog.....
http://joannesminis.blogspot.com/ . she does most of her minis in 1/12 scale, which means that the little bushel baskets she makes are 1" in diameter. try as i might, i couldn't find my 1" circle punch. what i did find was my 5/8" circle punch which just happens to be the diameter of a chapstick tube. so that's what i used and made the tiniest, cutest bushel baskets. they were just the right size to hold the tiny tomatoes that i just made. i'm still working on the cucumbers :) i'll post pics of them as soon as they're done.

aren't they cute?? i really hope that kaydee bug likes them :) well, i'm off to make the cucumbers and a crate of sorts to hold them :)  see ya soon!  be sure to comment and let me know what you think :)