Wednesday, October 24, 2012

laptop issues...grrr......

hey all,

i thought i'd post a new tidbit... my laptop is having some serious issues. i really need to have it looked at and hopefully fixed. until then, i have to use the computer at the college library. that means i can't upload any new pics (that really sux). so i will just have to tell you what's been happening and you'll have to use your visualization skills until i can post pics again.

a couple of weeks ago i bought the travel trailer and primrose dollhouse from greenleaf. it took a week for them to arrive and i was thrilled when they did. i built the trailer first. it was actually very easy to put together. next time though, i'll order a side of extra patience. i thought it took forever for the glue to dry on the different parts (it actually didn't, it just seemed like it). anyway, it took about 4 days to put the trailer together and then i got to paint it. so now it's an off white with a purple stripe going around it. i have some furniture in it and a sweet older gentleman named ernie sitting in his recliner. he's acting as security guard until the lady that owns it can move in. she's a traveling herbalist and right now she's off gathering herbs and other rare ingredients that she needs for her cupboards. ernie is quite content to sit in his recliner and have a beer or two. he really is a sweet old guy.

i just finished painting, staining and building the primrose. all i have to do now is shingle the roof. not really looking forward to that because i've never done shingles before and i really don't want to mess it up. so, i'm kinda procrastinating on that issue.... i'm also debating on what i want to use it for. i'm thinking about maybe a music store, since i already have some music instruments. i just need to put in some counters and a cash register. maybe a rug or two. that would be on the first floor. maybe an office on the second floor? or maybe turn it into a small bedroom for the owner to sleep? not sure what i'll do with it. any ideas from anyone?

well, that's about all for now. i've got to get home so that i can get to work :)
have a wonderful day everyone! and if you have any suggestions, please let me know!



  1. I am now your newest followers. I started this year, my blog is called A fairytale come true. I found your blog via Ruth. Miniature blog people are very generous and sweet and gracious people. I am looking forward to follow you. You have some fine cabinets and your tomato baskets look fine.

    1. thank you wyrna :) I'm glad to have you as a follower :) you have a really nice blog. I enjoyed looking at it! (sorry it took so long to answer back. I just got a new laptop 2 days ago, so now i'm off and running again! I will have new posts and pics soon!)
